How Do People Earn Money from Udemy? A Comprehensive Guide

How Do People Earn Money from Udemy? A Comprehensive Guide

How Do People Earn Money from Udemy? – Udemy is a leading online learning platform, boasting over 57 million students and more than 2,13,000 courses across various disciplines. Since its inception in 2010, Udemy has become increasingly popular among instructors and learners alike, thanks to its user-friendly interface and vast array of subjects. This article explores the numerous opportunities for individuals to earn money from Udemy by creating and selling courses, promoting existing courses through affiliate marketing, and scaling their income through multiple courses.

Becoming an Instructor on Udemy

To become an instructor on Udemy, individuals must possess expertise in a subject area, strong teaching and presentation skills, and access to video recording and editing tools. To set up an instructor account, one must create a Udemy account, complete their instructor profile, and familiarize themselves with Udemy’s terms and guidelines.

Creating a Successful Udemy Course

To create a successful Udemy course, the first step is selecting a topic that is in high demand, has low competition, and aligns with the instructor’s expertise and passion. Market research, competitor analysis, and keyword research can help identify potential course topics.

Next, instructors must develop course content by structuring a detailed outline, producing high-quality videos, and creating quizzes, assignments, and other interactive elements to engage students. It is crucial to maintain a balance between theory and practical application to ensure student success.

When it comes to pricing, instructors can set their course prices, but Udemy may also offer promotions to attract more students. Instructors can also provide coupons and discounts to their network and followers to increase enrollments.

Marketing Your Course

To maximize the visibility and reach of a Udemy course, instructors should optimize their course SEO by crafting engaging course titles and subtitles, writing compelling course descriptions, and selecting relevant keywords and categories. This helps in making the course easily discoverable through search engines and on the Udemy platform itself.

Leveraging social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, along with engaging in relevant online forums and groups, can help instructors promote their courses to a larger audience. Collaborating with influencers and industry experts can also boost credibility and reach.

Building an email list is another powerful marketing strategy. Instructors can collect email addresses from potential students and send targeted email campaigns, exclusive content, and promotions to drive enrollments.

Generating Passive Income Through Affiliate Marketing

Udemy’s affiliate program allows individuals to earn commissions by promoting Udemy courses on their blogs, websites, or social media accounts. Affiliates receive a percentage of the course fees for every referred sale, creating an additional passive income stream.

Scaling Your Udemy Income

Instructors can scale their Udemy income by creating multiple courses, updating and improving existing courses, and cross-promoting courses to their existing student base. This diversifies their income streams and increases their overall earnings.


Earn money from Udemy is achievable through consistent and quality course creation, effective marketing, and leveraging affiliate opportunities. With dedication and effort, instructors can transform Udemy into a platform that contributes significantly to their financial success.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Much Do Udemy Instructor Make?

Udemy instructors’ earnings can vary greatly depending on factors such as the popularity of their courses, the number of students enrolled, and the pricing strategy they employ. As per our knowledge cutoff in September 2021, Udemy operated on a revenue-sharing model where instructors could earn between 37% to 97% of the course sales revenue, depending on whether the course was sold through Udemy’s marketing channels or by the instructor directly.

The estimated home salary of instructors ranges from ₹ 15,513 per month to ₹ 17,125 per month in India, according Ambition Box.

How do Udemy instructors earn money from Udemy?

Udemy instructors make money by creating and selling online courses. They earn a percentage of the course sales revenue, which can range from 37% to 97% depending on whether the course was sold through Udemy’s marketing channels or by the instructor directly.

How do I price my Udemy course?

Instructors have the flexibility to set their own course prices. When determining a price, consider the value of the content, the target audience, and competitor pricing. Keep in mind that Udemy often runs promotions that can significantly discount course prices, so factor this into your pricing strategy.

What are the best ways to promote my Udemy course?

To attract students and increase your earnings, invest time and resources into marketing your course. Some popular promotion strategies include leveraging social media, creating a blog or YouTube channel related to your course topic, offering free or discounted access to your course to build initial interest, and networking within your niche.

How do I create a successful Udemy course?

To create a successful course, focus on providing high-quality, engaging content that addresses a specific need or skill. Use a combination of video, audio, text, and interactive elements to create a well-rounded learning experience. Additionally, be responsive to student questions and feedback to maintain a positive course rating and reputation.

Does Udemy provide any support for instructors?

Yes, Udemy offers various resources to help instructors create and market their courses, including a comprehensive Instructor Guide, access to the Udemy Instructor Community, and occasional promotional opportunities.

Are there any fees associated with being a Udemy instructor?

There is no fee to become an instructor and create courses on Udemy. However, Udemy operates on a revenue-sharing model, which means they take a percentage of the course sales revenue in exchange for hosting and promoting the course on their platform.

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